Network of Consultants

E. Daniel Soubies – Seismic Interpreter
I am a Mechanical engineer with 40+ years of experience in Exploration and Development Geophysics.
After graduating in Engineering I pursued a postgraduate specialization in Geophysics (Seismic Interpretation) graduating at the Instituto Superior de Exploración Petrolera (ISEP) of the Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNC) in Argentina.
I have professional experience in many areas related to Seismic Interpretation, Evaluation of New Technologies for Special Processes and Staff Training and Development.
I have worked for Repsol YPF for 28 years, and since then I have been working as an independent consultant for many companies such as: YPF, YPFB, YPFB Chaco, Petrobras, Petroecuador, Pluspetrol (Argentina and Bolivia), Chevron, LIEX S.A. (Argentina Litio Explotación), XR/GEOMAP, Medanito S.A, Petro Uruguay, Pampetrol, among others.
I have been involved in the organization and lecture of multiple training activities regarding Geophysics and Seismic Interpretation at ITBA (Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires), YPFB CHACO S.A, IAPG (Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y el Gas), Consejo Superior Profesional de Geología, Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología, Minas y Petróleo of University of Quito (Ecuador), PetroEcuador, YPFB, Petrobras Argentina, Pluspetrol, Chevron, XR Geomap and YPF S.A.
I was in charge of planning and organizing the course Hydrocarbons Seismic Prospecting at Repsol YPF’s Geophysics School in Madrid, Spain (14 subjects – 900 lecture hours), at ISE (Instituto Superior de Energía) in Spain and at UADE (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa), in Argentina.
I am currently giving the Seismic Interpretation course at the postgraduate specialization in Exploration and Development Geophysics at UNLP (Universidad Nacional de La Plata), in Argentina.

Daniel Esteban Pérez – Petrophysicist and Development Geologist
I have a degree in Geological Sciences (1976) and a Master in Petroleum Engineering (1977) from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) with 40+ years of experience in Development Oil & Gas Reservoirs.
I have worked for YPF in different positions related to reservoir studies for 14 years. In 1984 I gave my first in-company training course and field seminar on natural fractured reservoirs (first time in Argentina).
From 1992 to 1999 I have worked for Roch (junior oil and gas company) as Leader of the Development Team of different fields in Argentina and opportunities assessments in South America as well. I started independent consultancy in January 1999.
The main services I offer are:
1) Petrophysical interpretation, with a special focus on naturally fractured reservoirs and igneous rocks. Integrated petrophysical characterization. Open hole and production tests assessment. Well production analysis.
Comprehensive study of fields, both in production and temporarily shut-in.
2) Certifier and Auditor # 028 of the Secretaría de Energía de la Nación (Argentina), with more than 60 reserves certifications for different companies.
3) In-company and public institutions training course and field seminars on reserves estimation and fractured reservoirs.
+54 911 4033 7712

Héctor J. Villar – Petroleum Geochemist
Héctor has a degree in Chemical Sciences from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (1978) and a specialization in Geochemistry of Fossil Fuels from the Technical University of Aachen in Germany (1985-1988).
He has been involved in research and services in organic geochemistry, organic petrography and petroleum geochemistry, authoring numerous technical reports and publications in this field for more than 30 years.
Héctor is currently the Managing Director of GeoLab Sur, a recognized geochemical services laboratory for the oil and gas industry in Argentina and Latin America, which he founded in 2006.
+54 911 4033 7712

Héctor Zucchi – Geologist specialized in Applied Geophysics
Professional with more than thirty years of experience in the oil industry. Experience in 2D/3D seismic interpretation with various interactive systems.
Starting in 1987, he began his contact with direct detection techniques (Trace Inversion) at the Schlumberger Company. His efforts are focused on his tasks at Veritas (current CGG) from 2003 to 2006 and later as an independent consultant for various companies. He has successfully applied these techniques in clastic and carbonate reservoirs. Rounding out his profile: pre- and post-stack seismic data conditioning, multi-component seismic processing, multi-attribute analysis, AVO modeling and analysis.
He has provided services to YPF (Argentina), PEMEX (Mexico), Petrobras (Brazil and Argentina), Chaco-YPFB (Bolivia), ENAP-Sipetrol (Chile), PEDEVESA (Venezuela), Tecpetrol (Argentina and Mexico), Petrolera Entre Lomas (Argentina), ROCH (Argentina), ArPetrol (Argentina), Pluspetrol (Argentina).
He easily integrates into interdisciplinary groups, both in executive tasks and quality control. He has given training courses in his expertise locally and internationally. His latest tasks refer to projects involving non-deterministic trace inversion and structural AVO (AVAZ), as well as the extension of these methodologies to unconventional plays.
+54 911 6365 0132

Eduardo Luis Corti – Geophysicist
Eduardo holds a Master Degree in Geophysics from Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). He is a Geophysicist consultant with 43 years of experience in the oil industry on Borehole Seismic (BHS) and Surface Seismic (SS).
⦁ Support on BHS acquisition and processing design, supervision and interpretation.
⦁ Evaluation of BHS projects like Converted Shear Waves, Anisotropy, While Drilling techniques, integration of BHS with SS (i.e.: multi-component seismic).
⦁ Supervision of 3D Seismic processing (PostSTM, PSTM, PSDM, Acoustic and Elastic Inversion, Land and Marine surveys).
⦁ Organization and provision of courses and seminars on these subjects to different oil and service companies in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Spain, France and Scotland (UK).
⦁ Instructor at Aptitud SF and NExT. Professor in UNLP and ITBA.
Member of SEG since 1981, AAGGP since 2000, SBGf from 2002 to 2015 and EAGE since 2014.
He speaks Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Maria Beatriz de Santa Anna – Seismic Interpreter
Bea has more than 18 years of experience in the oil and gas industry.
She got her Geophysical Engineering BSc from the Universidad Simon Bolivar in Venezuela and performed her BSc thesis in PDVSA Intevep. She also completed a Master in Exploration and Production at the Heriott Watt University and Repsol’s ISE Institute in 2003.
Maria Beatriz started her professional career in Pluspetrol, exploring the Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela fold and thrust belts. She later changed to field development, to work out the mature fields in Neuquén and Northwest argentinean basins.
In 2013 Maria moved to The Hague, where she worked as a consultant for the SGS Group in their Subsurface Consultancy division, being responsible for the seismic interpretation and prospectivity analysis for integrated projects in the North Sea, North Africa, and the Western Coast of Africa.
In 2016 she started working for Madalena Energy Argentina (today Centaurus Energy), with its unconventional assets in Vaca Muerta.
In 2020 Maria Beatriz founded her own technical consultancy group DELTAPlus Energy, where she continues working as a geoscience consultant.
+54 911 2861 3464

Miguel Lavia – Reservoir Engineer
Miguel holds a Chemical Engineer Degree from Universidad Tecnológica Nacional de Buenos Aires and Petroleum Engineer Degree from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Graduate Studies in the University of Alberta, Canada and holds an MBA from Universidad de Belgrano.
He received the 2012 Regional Reservoir Description and Dynamics Award of the SPE: “Acknowledgement for outstanding contribution to Petroleum Engineering”.
Miguel has 35+ years of professional experience in Reservoir Engineering, working for Major and Independent Co. in multidisciplinary teams.
Since 2013, he is an Independent Consultant and Advisor in Reservoir Engineering, specialized in Unconventional Reservoirs, Tight Gas and Shale Oil field development.
Miguel is a Registered Auditor for the Oil & Gas Reserves of Argentina by the Secretary of Energy of Argentina and also Registered Expert for the CONEAU (National Commission for University Evaluations and Credits of Argentina).
He has a large academic experience and is a Professor and former Director of the Reservoir Engineering, Postgraduate Program at the University of Buenos Aires.
He is Member of the IAPG, and Educational Committee Member of the SPE of Argentina.
Miguel speaks Spanish, English, French and Italian.
+54 911 3449 4780

Hernán Lanza Castelli – Geomechanics Expert and Exploration Geologist
Hernán has a Geologist degree (1979) from the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina.
With more than forty years of experience in Petroleum Exploration Geology, he is a well-known expert in Geomechanics and Pore Pressure Evaluation.
Since 1993 he has been working as Advisor and Supervisor in Operations and Wellsite Geology. He also conducted several courses and training seminars on Geomechanics Applied to Unconventional Fields, Wellsite Geology and Mud Logging.
He has an extensive knowledge on sedimentary basins of Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Offshore Brazil, Ecuador and Guatemala as well as, Turkmenistan, where he worked for several oil companies like Pluspetrol Corp., Karoon, CEPSA, Talisman, Bridas International, Occidental, Repsol-YPF, Shell, Santa Fe Energy and Chevron, among others. His assignments included geomechanical modeling, pore pressure evaluation, and data compilation for geological final reports; supervision of wellsite work on exploration drilling operations (mudlogging, LWD/MWD, wireline logging, seismic check-shot surveys and VSP’s); team work on geological and drilling operation data analysis for reservoir evaluation and well location proposals, well-to-well correlation, basin scale geological studies and log analysis (including Magnetic Resonance, Resistivity and Sonic Images, RFT-MDT, etc.).
+54 9 3515 08-6872

Jorge Washington Albeiro – Wellsite Geologist and Subsurface Geological Operations Expert
Jorge Albeiro boasts over 36 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Geology from the Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina. He furthered his education with a Postgraduate degree in Hydrocarbons Exploration Specialist from the Instituto Superior de Exploración Petrolera, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. Additionally, he obtained a Grade in Drilling Techniques from the Universidad Nacional de Salta, and a Master’s in Project Management from Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), Spain.
With a diverse professional background, he has honed his expertise in field operations across challenging environments, having worked with esteemed companies such as YPF, CGC, Tecpetrol, Pluspetrol, Petrobras, Shell, Hunt Oil, Cepsa, Talisman Energy, Occidental, Maxus, Pemex, Karoon Energy, and Geoandean Log.
With a diverse professional background, he has honed his expertise in field operations across challenging environments, having worked with esteemed companies such as YPF, CGC, Tecpetrol, Pluspetrol, Petrobras, Shell, Hunt Oil, Cepsa, Talisman Energy, Occidental, Maxus, Pemex, Karoon Energy, and Geoandean Log.
His accomplishments span drilling operations across Latin America, including projects in Peru’s Marañón, Ucayali, and Madre de Dios basins; Argentina’s Neuquina, Austral, northwest Cretaceous & Devonian, Golfo San Jorge and
Cuyo basins; Brazil’s Potiguar basin; Mexico’s Burgos basin; Venezuela’s Guárico basin and finally the South Subandean thrust belt in Bolivia.
Jorge actively engages in exploration and development projects from their geological inception, contributing to field geological assessments, planning, well proposals, drilling, and completion.
With extensive experience in mudlogging, wireline, and special operations, Jorge has contributed to the drilling of over 100 wells across various regions of Latin America, fulfilling roles as a Wellsite and Operations Geologist. He
demonstrates proficiency in supervising work-over operations and well completions, overseeing and preparing contracts for wireline, mudlogging, core, and special operations.
Continuously enhancing his skill set, Jorge has completed courses in heavy oil, mature and unconventional fields operations, Offshore Operations, Well Control, and Geolocation.
+54 9 261 510-4529
Partner Companies

Geochemical Analysis and Consulting Services for the oil and gas industry in Argentina and Latin America.

Geophysical services: basic and advanced processing seismic data, 5D interpolation, processing in hybrid domains, depth velocity modelling, anisotropic (VTI/HTI/Orthorhombic) depth migration, assessment and analysis.
Teaming up of state-of-the-art third party licensed software and property software.
G&G database management: GIS tools, well, seismic data and satellite images, rasterization-vectorization, data handling and remasterization, property software for efficient SEG-Y data mining.

Parameterized automation services for data upload and download. Administration of Linux, Oracle and technical platforms such as Paradigm, Halliburton, Schlumberger, etc.
Data update in different versions of the same software. Parameterized control panel with prediction algorithms, including predictive language.
Mature fields studies with Big Data analysis applying proprietary algorithms.

Miguel Ángel Pérez y Asociados (MAPaS) is a geological and environmental consultant company that has been providing consulting services for more than eighteen years to the oil and mining industries.
A team of highly experienced professionals has carried out since 2003 services that involve:
- Detailed geological surveys at various scales.
- Collection, description and analysis of different type of samples.
- Planning and execution of field sampling, both systematic and contingent, which includes extraction, conditioning, labeling, classification, shipment to laboratories.
- Monitoring of large volumes of samples for different studies like geochemistry, petrophysics, chemostratigraphy, radiometry, petrology and paleontology.

Energy Consulting Services. Enabling the Energy Transformation. Consulting services:
– Integrated oil & gas consulting services.
– Energy economics and management.
– Unconventional Vaca Muerta shale-oil and shale-gas.
– Fields evaluation.
– Energy efficiency. Waste heat to power.
– Geothermal energy. Capitalizing our oil and gas experience in Renewables.

GEOMETRICA SRL is a family business with more than 30 years of experience in the field of surveying and topography.
Commitment and innovation in:
– Capture, treatment and representation of geospatial data. Applications
– Urban and rural surveys, lots, subdivisions and horizontal property. Mining and petroleum exploration/exploitation areas surveys.
– Applied topography and geodesy at different scales and for varied targets.
– Projects and studies applied to Civil Engineering and Architecture.
– Cartography applied to precision agriculture.

VenOil Energía is an oil services company registered as operator under Nº 490 in the Secretary of Energy of Argentina.
It is currently operating the Calmuco and Vega Grande oil and gas fields in the south of the Mendoza Province.
We are a team of very well trained professionals, highly qualified for all type of engineering projects, well and fields operations, well testing, mudlogging expertise, facilities construction and assembly, well integrity monitoring, rigs inspection, low-cost well abandonment, training and consulting and data digitization.
+54 9 261 699 4057.

Through the use of drones or UAVs of our own development, we perform aerial surveys for the oil & gas industry as well as for engineering, construction and sensitive information demanding sectors.
We focus on professionalism, innovation and continuous improvement of our low cost and time optimization services in the field.
Our expertise is photogrammetry for the generation of precision topographic models, RGB and multispectral orthomosaics for detailed surface analysis, point cloud and GIS development.
Carlos Enrique Cruz, Petroleum Geologist. Reach out to know more about geoscience interpretation services, reference information, professional training courses or publications debate. Please be as specific as possible on the subject of your message.
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